Sunday, March 24, 2013

Graduation time is near and our hopes are high, all this is very exciting but, sometimes we just feel like our teachers are out to get us with all the work they assign to us. A never ending pile of assignments that take days to finish and once we finish we just get another pile thrown at us. Doesn't it feel like they just never want us to graduate? No offense to any teachers. I just want to know that i'm graduating and be given a break.
Sometimes us as students get angry and moody because we don't have much time to ourselves because of all this work. We just want our teachers to understand we've been in school for almost 13 years now and all we want is a little break from all the mental challenges that come with studying and finishing homework.

I speak for myself when I say I'm going to college because I've already been accepted and know for a fact where I am going. With that said don't you think I deserve just a little phsycological break from all this? I think it would do me some good and help when I do start my first days of college to have break cause then, my brain would be fresh.

All it feels like at this moment is like being attacked. Which I know is not true because some teachers want to see there students succeed and make it but, we're still teenagers. We need some time to have to our own, to express our various personalities.

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