Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Give us a break!

Aside from all the tasks we get for being seniors in high school like taking SAT's, ordering our cap and gown, paying for all our senior trips, and loads of work a day we get to pass all of our classes. A day coming to an end feels pretty great. It feels like an eternity before school gets out everyday . And the days are getting longer and longer. Hearing about spring break just makes matters worse!

Spring break is the only break of the year where we get the freedom to rebel for a couple of days. The best part is get to go to the beach with friends and just have a good time. Away from all the final bits of stress we have in our last few weeks of school.

It seems like our teachers are trying to hold us back from leaving and having fun. They want us to study this, study that. It is to much to ask when we only a break this long every few months. Yes, we understand we need to know things for finals but, can we just take our break without any strings attached?

All we ask for is a little time to ourselves then, when come back, all that is needed to be crammed in our brains can be taught to us.

This question is directed to any teacher. Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? Always wanting to skip out on homework to go hang out with friends or just go outside for some fresh air? What were the thoughts that entered your head when your teacher gave you loads of homework to do? Didn't you just want to ignored it so bad and just lay down in bed and relax? I know our teachers remember those good old days.

Nobody is asking for no homework or no test, all we ask for is a bit of understanding. We understand you have a job to do and teach but, CAN WE JUST GO ON BREAK ALREADY!

These posts are not meant to offend anybody in anyway. These are just my personal opinions on school and my last year of it.

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