Monday, March 25, 2013

What are some teachers thinking?

I speak for my own class schedule and teachers when I say this. Some teachers basically give you a ton of  homework with no explanation. They just leave us to fend for ourselves. How do they expect us to get good grades and pass with flying colors on tests and quizzes if we do not know what we're being assessed on ?

Our attention span as seniors is very low. How do they expect us to go threw a whole textbook and find answers, formulas, and theories? It's just not the right approach. It is setting us up for failure.

In my opinion, if you're a teacher you should how to "teach" students what they're supposed to know. If a teacher doesn't explain a concept to his/her students, they don't learn the material. Knowing this some teachers expect so much of us.

Yes, I understand some us are 17 and older but, we're still in high school. We haven't been out in the world to learn things for ourselves. We're still psychologically developing, we need that extra explanation after the notes. As seniors we're older than everybody but that doesn't mean we're geniuses.

All we ask for is a bit of understanding from our teachers. Understand we're at an exciting and stressful point in our lives and we need guidance from our elders and peers to succeed. With guidance ( by "Guidance" I mean, a better quality of explanation) we'll have a better understanding of our work and material we need to learn. Once again this doesn't apply to all teachers and is not meant to offend anybody. It's just an opinion on how some classes are being organized and taught.

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