
This blog is about the life as a senior in high school. A senior who is ready to get out of school already. Most underclassmen think it's just one more year and it just fly's by but, it's not that easy. You have loads of work and with the excitement of finally graduating to start your own life as an adult it's not that easy to focus.

We're all gonna make it to graduation soon enough, it's just gonna take some dedication and a little more time.

Enough it's a drag to always be worrying about grades and if you're gonna pass all of your classes. It's pretty exciting. It's one of those things that makes our lives worth living for. To know that you're gonna make it out of high school because of your individual effort and not because you were just passed along.

All of our work is what's gonna get us passed obstacles like earning our diploma. If I had the choice to skip high school and just go to college. I wouldn't just skip it. I'd go through it again cause without it I'd have no experience in all the things I know.

High school for me is a lot of work and is very stressful but, without it I wouldn't be who I am today. And I'm grateful for it. High School and Senior your makes my life worth living for.

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